This date is locked: Please go to the Volunteer Coordinator table at the event to sign up.
Sat, May 11, 2024    8:00 AM - 6:00 PM
Six Sigma (East Bay/Central) - Saturday, May 11

Six Sigma (East Bay/Central) - Saturday, May 11

10:00 AM - 12:30 PM
Parking volunteers welcome participants and help direct traffic in the pit zone and parking area. No bikes needed. Requires standing for the entire shift.
11:30 AM - 1:45 PM
This very important volunteer position controls vehicular traffic and/or spectators at points where the course crosses a road or a pedestrian crossing. You may have to hike or bike to these locations. Wear a helmet if you bike!
1:00 PM - 3:00 PM
Helps support the Volunteer Coordinator, Registration Manager, and Merchandise Manager. This is a very fluid role that involves helping with our “customer-facing” services in the main festival area tents. Includes answering questions about merchandise, checking in volunteers, supporting registration - we will give you a quick training, and we will be in the tent with you at most times. Requires sitting/standing behind the tent and talking with many people/customer service mindset
Course Marshals are at stationary key points and are the eyes and ears out on the course that allow us to respond to injuries quickly. Marshals may also need to communicate about mechanicals, course cutting or racers abandoning the race to the Chief Course Marshal. They may also need to control traffic and/or spectators at intersections. They are always at positions on the course that are great places to cheer on the racers! Radios and a pack with supplies and safety equipment will be provided. Course marshals may hike or bike to the location. Always wear a helmet if biking!
2:45 PM - 5:15 PM
Works with Timing Director to write down race plate numbers as riders complete each lap of their race and track any updates about riders that impact scoring (e.g. penalties, injury). Requires standing for most of the shift.
The finish line is always the most hectic place on the race course. Parents and teammates crowd around to see the racers finish and some racers come through exhausted and may need to be corralled out of the way so we don’t get a bottleneck. In this role, you'll help manage the traffic flow of riders in the finish line chute to congratulate them and help keep the area safe by directing riders out of the finish line chute.
3:15 PM - 5:30 PM
This very important volunteer position controls vehicular traffic and/or spectators at points where the course crosses a road or a pedestrian crossing. You may have to hike or bike to these locations. Wear a helmet if you bike!
91 / 106
signed up
Organizer Info
Katy and Sarah
Sign-ups for this date are locked by the administrator. "Please go to the Volunteer Coordinator table at the event to sign up."
Need Reminders? If you sign up, we will send you an email or SMS text message reminder around 48 hours before your sign-up.