Petaluma Round-Up (RR)

Redwood and Repack regions

6:30 AM - 8:15 AM
Parking volunteers welcome participants and help direct traffic in the pit zone and parking area. No bikes needed. Requires standing for the entire shift.
Course Marshals are at stationary key points and are the eyes and ears out on the course that allow us to respond to injuries quickly. Marshals may also need to communicate about mechanicals, course cutting or racers abandoning the race to the Chief Course Marshal. They may also need to control traffic and/or spectators at intersections. They are always at positions on the course that are great places to cheer on the racers! Radios and a pack with supplies and safety equipment will be provided. Course marshals may hike or bike to the location. Always wear a helmet if biking! The start time allows for checking in, training and getting into position.
9:00 AM - 11:15 AM
This very important volunteer position controls vehicular traffic and/or spectators at points where the course crosses a road or a pedestrian crossing. You may have to hike or bike to these locations. Wear a helmet if you bike!
The GRiT pre-ride leader will lead a group of 20-30 girls through the race course and make frequent stops at features or difficult parts of the course to offer the girls the opportunity to session. During stops, ask the girls if they have any questions about the upcoming race or about how they are feeling about the race course. If you haven't ridden the course yet, it's ok! Blind riding is an important skills for the girls to learn too - think about talking them through the thought process for approaching a new course including getting off the bike to walk sections if needed, planning your race lines, and sessioning areas of the course.
The GRiT Pre-ride Sweep is a female coach who will sweep the group to make sure no one is left behind. The sweep will also engage with the girls to ask fun, welcoming, and supportive questions while riding and when waiting for the riders to regroup. Sweeps will want to radio to the leading coaches to make sure that the group sticks together. If there is a natural spilt in the group you'll want to communicate to the lead coach to split the ride into two groups (if there's enough coaches present).
44 / 50
signed up
Organizer Info
Cheryl Wallace
After you sign up, a reminder will be sent out 48 hours prior to your start time. You will need to confirm your sign up then.
You must sign up at least 24 hours before the start time.
Need Reminders? If you sign up, we will send you an email or SMS text message reminder around 48 hours before your sign-up.